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Hashtag Tracking Tools for Business

Hashtag tracking made easy with Sprout Social

Discover which hashtags work best for your social content strategy with Sprout’s hashtag tracking tools. Increase your reach and grow your audience with Sprout by using the hashtags you know your audience follows.

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Twitter hashtag tracking

Twitter hashtags are critical for increasing reach on your social media messages. Use our hashtag tracking tools to ensure you’re leveraging the hashtags your audience uses.

Hashtags frequently mentioned

Sprout’s Twitter Trends Report shows you the hashtags most often associated with your brand and the context of those messages.

Stats by keyword

The Twitter Keywords Report lets you track specific keywords and hashtags to understand the use and growth of those terms over time.

Sample data from Sprout’s Twitter Trends Report detailing the topics and hashtags most frequently mentioned with your social handle, and number of mentions for each term.

Instagram hashtag tracking

Choosing the best hashtags is critical for increasing the reach and discoverability of your images. Ensure you’re tagging your photos and comments with the best hashtags using Sprout.

Most-used and top hashtags

Easily track the hashtags you use most frequently and that get the most engagement. Incorporate this info into your publishing strategy for increased reach.

Hashtag tracking in feeds

Add key hashtags to track within social media feeds to see how they’re being used. Additionally, track hashtags important to your brand to ensure you’re engaging in important conversations.

Sample Instagram Outbound Hashtag Performance data which contrasts hashtag usage during a given reporting period with hashtags that drew the most engagement.

All social media hashtag tracking

Track all of your hashtags by using Sprout Social Tags and the Sprout Social Tag Report.

Tag outgoing posts

Tag your scheduled social messages across all networks with a unique “hashtag” tag. Then use the Tag Report to look at how those posts perform in terms of reach and engagement.

Tag inbound posts

When a user sends you a message and includes a hashtag, you can tag that post to get a better understanding of how your audience uses hashtags when communicating with your brand.

The “Stats by Tag” section of Sprout’s Tag Report displays metrics like total messages sent and received, and growth trends for each tag to provide on-the-spot performance comparison.

Start tracking your hashtags with Sprout Social

Sign up for a 30-day free trial and start using track, analyze and schedule posts using your key hashtags.